Last day of quarter 3 is April 7th. Last day of school is Friday June 9th. Graduation will be Friday, June 2nd. School field trip for students going to Wolf Ridge: June 7-9


AHA! Families,

As outlined in the ParentSquare post from last week, in order to address insufficient instructional hours in our school's 22-23 academic calendar the School Board has approved a change to the academic calendar and daily schedule.  

With the goal of having these changes cause the least negative impact on families, students, and community, school leadership and the school board used feedback from families to inform this decision. This issue was not planned and, of course, requiring changes to the academic calendar mid-year is not ideal for any member of our community.  Regardless, we needed to act quickly to address this issue so that it does not further affect the academic calendar.  Due to the tight timeframe, response rates to the survey ParentSqaure from last week were limited.  

With the family feedback that we got it was clear that, overall, making minor changes to daily schedule and calendar would work for the majority of families.  Most respondents were ok with changes to either daily schedule or calendar days.  Using this feedback and a weighing several options, the school board approved the following changes to the school calendar and daily schedule that accommodate the community's needs as much as possible:

  • Starting after winter break, the school day will be extended by 15 minutes (in advisory).  The school day will end at 3:20pm instead of 3:05pm.

  • Three days will be added to the end of the year.  The last day of school will be Wednesday, June 7th instead of Friday, June 2nd.

  • 3rd quarter conferences will be Thursday, February 16th instead of Friday, February 24th

Below is a link to the updated calendar on the school website.  It includes a detailed schedule for regular school days and blended learning school days: 


Again, changing calendars and schedules mid-year is not ideal.  This will inevitably affect families differently. We will work with families as far as we are able to help accommodate these new changes.  Please reach out to your student's advisor with questions so we can work together to make any needed plans for your student relevant to these changes.

-TPS Administrative Team

Josh MacLachlan